A screenshot of the application open on the home page

Myleap Learning Portal


UX/UI design

Web application development

Project Scoping


Lamp Bot 


MyLeap is a learning and development platform focused on cultivating real behavioural change. MyLeap recognises that a business transformation isn't just about technology. There must be a strong focus on the people that drive the change.


"How do we drive real behavioural change?"

Let's take a deep dive

Understanding the problem

The current market does not have a tool that drives behavioural change. Learning management systems are based on consuming content and answering questions. Learning is performed and lost without having any real impact on the organisation. The problem statement was addressed during a two week scope, with six weeks of development required to solve the initial problem.

Ideation & research

MyLeap adopted a fixed time, variable scope approach to the project. This meant prioritising the backlog in order to meet a hard deadline. The application needed to be up and running in six weeks to be showcased during a number of keynote presentations. WorkingMouse delivered the project on time and on budget. After the success of the first engagement, MyLeap returned for further development with WorkingMouse. This second engagement focused on optimising the existing system for beta users.

We ideated and agreed that a responsive web application that helps organisations improve their leadership capability was the best solution. Users progress through a baseline assessment to determine which areas require upskilling. Based on the results, users can select a learning focus. This is the current skill they are focusing on.

After 2 weeks of Discovery, 1.5 months in development, 165 feature tickets...

The solution

The solution focused on real behavioural change through challenges. A challenge embeds the lessons learned into a practical environment. There are a range of challenge types that vary based on the type of learning. Users are encouraged to journal and take notes while completing challenges to document learnings.

From an organisational perspective, HR have an overview of how employees are interacting with their learning focus. This brings a level of visibility across an organisation and how they are investing in their staff. It also maps out a staff members learning journey should there be an opportunity for a promotion.

A phone screen with the application on it. It is showing the authentic leader screen
A phone screen showing the home page for the application

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