a illustration of lightbulds amoung flowers. the lightbulbs have gears in them and are pink, green, orange, blue, and yellow

The Emotional Journey of Developing Software 

Developing Software can be like Riding a Rollercoaster 

As our diagram below shows, at the beginning of a new project, spirits are relatively high and everyone, particularly the Product Owner, is excited. However, despite the variety of parties involved in the development of a software application, it is often the Product Owner who is the first to fall into a trough. The reason this tends to happen is because their natural tendency to be overly optimistic about their idea is often combined with inexperience in software development. This results in a need for developers to manage client expectations about how much work is involved from their side of the fence when software development kicks off. Contrary to popular belief, software isn’t just developed by software engineers in a dark room. At WorkingMouse, it’s a collaborative approach, and we go on this journey together. 

Diagram illustrating the emotional journey of building software, highlighting key stages such as ideation, scoping, development, and release, with emotional highs and lows represented along the process.

Remote Collaboration in a Modern World 

With the rise of remote work and distributed teams, WorkingMouse ensures smooth collaboration across different locations using advanced communication and project management tools. Whether the Product Owner is working from home or the office, the ability to remain actively involved in the project has never been easier. This ensures a high level of involvement from all stakeholders and guarantees clear communication at every step of the journey.  

Once the expectations are laid down about collaboration, it becomes a gradual uphill climb for the Product Owner as they move through a Vision meeting and Brief stage. These stages are where an initial knowledge transfer is conducted, and a common understanding of the high-level requirements of their project can be reached. 

Scoping and Development 

During the next phase, called Scoping, the team at WorkingMouse starts to truly unpack the project so that by the end, the requirements for the first deliverable of the project have been uncovered. During the Vision, Brief, and Scoping stages, the Product Owner can start to visualise their first MVP and become super excited for development to kick off. However, the Development stage of the project is where a Product Owner’s emotions may take a sharp dive, particularly as it becomes harder to see the end vision when all the work is behind-the-scenes development work that can’t be visualised yet.  

AI and Machine Learning Integration 

In 2024, software development often includes AI and machine learning elements. These technologies can significantly enhance product functionality, whether by introducing intelligent features or optimising backend processes. WorkingMouse leverages AI-assisted development tools to streamline workflows and enable faster iteration. This ensures a smoother development process and helps prevent dips in enthusiasm, even when much of the early work may not be immediately visible. 

It is totally normal to have some doubts. As a Product Owner, you are championing your idea from the get-go. Why else would you be prepared to invest money into the project? It is normal to go through periods of time as development progresses, where you lack motivation or are riddled with self-doubt. The team at WorkingMouse understands the rollercoaster of software development and will help you understand how all the small pieces of work will come together to form your awesome new software application.  

Never Lose Sight of the End Goal/Vision 

One of the biggest challenges in software development is Scope Creep. Anyone who has been a part of a development project before will be aware of this concept. There is a great article specifically discussing Scope Creep on the WorkingMouse blog. Having a clear focus on what needs to be achieved to call the project a success is very important. It can be very tempting for a Product Owner to try and cram as much functionality as possible early on. But just remember, the more you add in, the longer it will take to see the final product. 

Security and Data Privacy  

Another essential aspect in 2024 is maintaining strong data security and privacy protocols. Software applications, particularly those that handle sensitive data, must comply with local and international regulations. At WorkingMouse, security is integrated into every phase of development, ensuring that both your data and your users’ data are protected.  

Working Iteratively Means Small Wins Consistently 

Carrying on from the previous point, when WorkingMouse develops our Partner’s software applications, they do so in a learn-measure-test cycle that allows them to deliver small chunks of functionality regularly rather than waiting till the end of the project and presenting the entire platform as one. This helps keep the Partner involved and ensures there is a better chance of product market fit at the end. 

AI-Assisted Development Tools 

In addition to the Codebots platform, 2024 sees a rise in AI-assisted coding tools like GitHub Copilot, which work alongside our developers to make coding more efficient. These AI tools help automate repetitive tasks, suggest optimised code, and ensure fewer errors during the development process. This combination of human expertise and AI-enhanced workflows allows WorkingMouse to produce high-quality code at a faster pace.  

There is No Need to Reinvent the Wheel When It Comes to Technology 

The real value of the Codebots technology that WorkingMouse uses to build out our Partner’s software applications isn’t just how fast it can write code, but how it can reuse the code that it’s previously worked on. By leveraging existing technology, we can avoid comically long development times, which ultimately reduces the cost to the Product Owner. Combined with modern AI tools, this efficiency is even more pronounced in 2024. 

Sustainability in Tech 

Sustainability has become a significant concern in the tech world. At WorkingMouse, we believe in building sustainable, energy-efficient solutions. This means using modern coding practices that minimise resource consumption, reducing both operational costs and the environmental footprint of the software.  

At the end of the day, software development is a journey and can be an emotional roller coaster for many. WorkingMouse is here to help you navigate and go on the journey together. If you feel ready and are interested in building out your own software application, please contact us here. 

This revised version incorporates modern aspects like AI, remote collaboration, security, sustainability, and AI-assisted development, reflecting 2024 trends. You can hyperlink the internal blog reference (about scope creep) and any external sources as needed. 

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