
By 2028, Queensland will advance digital transformation with digital IDs, cybersecurity, and inclusive services. Key goals include addressing diverse demographic needs, leveraging emerging technologies, and enhancing service delivery. Challenges involve managing legacy systems, data sovereignty, and attracting talent. Queensland's proactive approach aims to lead in digital innovation and set a high standard for government efficiency and engagement.

Codebots’ new reports and analytics module offers customizable dashboards, a query builder for complex SQL queries, and integration with any relational database. It enables users to create, save, and export reports in PDF format, democratizing data access and enhancing reporting features. Suitable for both beginners and experienced users, the app transforms data into actionable insights with user-friendly and advanced querying options

This article explores challenges with legacy systems based on stakeholder feedback, highlighting five main themes: system performance and integration issues, data management problems, inflexibility and the need for modernization, poor user experience, and policy/budget constraints. While the feedback points to significant hurdles, it emphasizes that modernization efforts must balance current constraints and operational needs. WorkingMouse suggests a strategic, incremental approach to modernizing core systems, starting with improvements in satellite systems and addressing fundamental issues to enhance overall efficiency and reduce risks.

In 2024, the Software Readiness Level (SRL) model refines NASA’s TRL and Steve Blank’s IRL, offering a tailored 12-step framework for app development. SRL covers key stages from business model creation and market validation to technical development, testing, and commercialization. It also includes advanced considerations like AI integration, enhanced cybersecurity, and compliance with data privacy regulations. This model ensures software projects stay aligned with modern standards, enabling smoother development and faster market readiness.

In 2024, successful innovation requires organisations to target early adopters and align technologies like AI, IoT, and XR with their strategic goals. The five-step business model innovation process—understanding the current model, assessing performance, recognising disruptions, addressing resistance, and implementing changes—guides companies toward sustainable growth. Combining traditional methods, such as acquisitions and innovation labs, with modern collaborative ecosystems involving internal and external innovators fosters a culture of continuous innovation. This approach ensures businesses stay competitive in a rapidly evolving technological landscape.

In 2024, protecting Intellectual Property (IP) is essential for businesses seeking a competitive edge. Key registrable IP rights in Australia include trademarks and patents, crucial for safeguarding branding and inventions, especially in tech-driven projects. Non-registrable rights like copyright, trade secrets, and confidential information also play a critical role, particularly in software development. Businesses must carefully manage IP ownership, monitor potential infringements, and ensure robust agreements with contractors. Staying informed about evolving IP laws and using modern tools to protect IP assets are essential strategies for corporate innovators in the digital era.

Digitising business processes into workflows helps businesses achieve consistency, reduce risk, and scale more efficiently. Workflows transform manual tasks into automated sequences, improving service quality and reducing costs. Key benefits include increased efficiency, the potential to monetise unique business processes through SaaS, and reducing reliance on key personnel. By defining and customising workflows to match business-specific processes, companies can modernise operations and unlock new revenue streams, as seen in examples like Aptus’ digital transformation.

Digitisation is the process of converting physical information into a digital format, while digitalisation leverages digitisation to improve business processes. Digital transformation is the impact of digitalisation, driving enhanced business competitiveness. With the Australian government investing heavily in the digital economy through initiatives like quantum computing, AI, and the Digital ID System, now is the ideal time for businesses to embrace digital transformation to stay competitive and avoid being left behind by more innovative rivals.

Continuous modernisation is essential for organisations to thrive in today’s digital landscape, as digital transformation is an ongoing process, not a one-time project. Shifting from a project-based approach to a product-focused mindset allows for constant assessment and improvement, ensuring businesses stay competitive. By combining software rewrites, cloud migrations, and strategic updates, while prioritising security and compliance, organisations can efficiently modernise and remain resilient in a rapidly evolving marketplace.

Working in a startup offers diverse experiences, giving you the chance to explore roles beyond your formal training and innovate freely without rigid processes. You’ll work closely with entrepreneurs, learn how to be self-sufficient, and make a noticeable impact on the company’s success, all within a vibrant and collaborative work environment. Startups also offer merit-based opportunities where age isn’t a barrier, helping you grow faster in your career compared to traditional corporate roles.

As of 2024, businesses still using AngularJS, which reached end-of-life in 2021, face significant risks including security vulnerabilities, performance issues, and limited developer support. To modernise, consider migrating to the latest version of Angular for smoother updates or switching to popular frameworks like React, Vue, Svelte, or Solid.js. This migration phase also offers a chance to evaluate your application’s performance and user experience. While it’s not too late to modernise, delaying further will increase risks as web technologies continue to advance.

As of 2024, WorkingMouse’s TrackerBot has received major updates, building on the foundation laid in 2023. TrackerBot, designed for the Australian Department of Defence, marks a significant leap forward in modernising Material Procurement Systems (MPS), offering enhanced flexibility, scalability, and control. The new system features innovative models such as the Entity, UI, and Meta models, all integrated with Codebots and built on a cutting-edge tech stack, aligning with the government’s push to phase out legacy systems. With its future-proof architecture and user-centric design, TrackerBot is set to revolutionise the way procurement is managed, improving efficiency and reducing costs for years to come.

In 2024, AI continues to drive innovation across industries by enhancing data analysis, automating processes, and improving customer experiences. Companies like Google and start-ups like are using AI to boost creativity, security, and efficiency in business. AI-driven consumer products like Amazon Echo also play a significant role in shaping daily life. As AI becomes more integrated into business and technology, its potential grows, but ethical considerations and safeguards are critical for its responsible use. WorkingMouse leverages AI to modernise legacy systems and improve project outcomes across sectors.

Bimodal IT, which separates development into two modes—Mode 1 for stability and predictability, and Mode 2 for agility and innovation—remains essential in 2024 for balancing legacy systems with modern advancements. Mode 1 focuses on reliable, structured processes, while Mode 2 emphasises exploration and rapid development. At WorkingMouse, we leverage the bimodal model to ensure stability for customers while driving innovation through agile projects. Integrating both modes collaboratively helps organisations adapt quickly to market demands while maintaining operational stability.

In 2024, AI is reshaping the job market by automating routine tasks and creating new roles in AI management, data science, and cybersecurity. Rather than replacing jobs outright, AI is transforming them, leading to the rise of “augmented intelligence” where humans collaborate with AI to boost productivity. Upskilling has become essential, as more roles focus on creativity, empathy, and strategic thinking, which AI cannot yet replicate. While concerns about job displacement persist, AI is also opening opportunities for human ingenuity and innovation across industries.

Owning your software’s intellectual property (IP) is crucial for full control over its use and distribution. Copyright law ensures that, unless explicitly stated in a contract, developers or companies retain ownership of the software they create. By securing IP through employment and service agreements, you gain exclusive rights to make copies, publish, adapt, and commercially license your software. Without this, you risk losing control over your product, limiting its potential revenue or resale opportunities.

Technology Readiness Level (TRL), initially developed by NASA, is hardware-focused and assesses technological maturity across nine stages, making it less applicable to software development. Investment Readiness Level (IRL), designed by Steve Blank, helps startups gauge market fit and business viability but can be too broad for specific cases like app development. Both models provide valuable frameworks but require adaptation for fields like software and co-creation. In 2024, as technology evolves, more domain-specific models are needed to guide development and investment decisions effectively.

This June, we attended TDC at Brisbane Powerhouse for an inspiring 3 days. The conference featured creative professionals sharing their journeys, with a standout didjeridu performance by Tommy of the Jagera people. The theme of AI in design emerged prominently, with discussions on AI as a collaborator and the responsibility of designers to shape the future. Key takeaways include AI's role in enhancing productivity and vulnerability, and the impact of consumer choices on corporate responsibility. Stay tuned for part 2 for more reflections!

WorkingMouse is rolling out its strategy for the 21/22 financial year, focusing on four key pillars: improving customer experience, enhancing continuous improvement, automating technology processes, and advancing career progression. Key initiatives include automating DevOps processes to streamline support and release cycles, increasing internal career growth opportunities, and simplifying customer interactions by reducing the number of contacts. The strategy aims to foster growth for both employees and clients, leveraging lessons from the previous year to refine their approach and deliver better results.

As we closed out the financial year, we took the chance to reflect and strategize for 2020-21. Our company-wide strategy day, led by CEO Matt Francis, highlighted our renewed focus. Our vision is to foster creativity and mastery to deliver valuable products, and our mission is to broaden our horizons through continuous improvement and client value. We have four main goals: 1) Ensure consistent quality throughout project phases, 2) Expand delivery capacity and customer reach, 3) Deliver and measure the value of our software, and 4) Prioritize people in our software development. These goals will guide our efforts as we continue to improve and grow.

InspectRealEstate teamed up with WorkingMouse to update its ROL Rentals platform with a new UX/UI. WorkingMouse delivered a design system, high-fidelity prototypes, and a database schema to modernize the product and guide future updates. InspectRealEstate is now set to implement these changes with their internal team.

Industries are increasingly ripe for digital transformation. For example, ride-sharing apps have revolutionized transport, real estate is moving towards more digital tools, and HR is benefiting from enhanced application processes. Healthcare, though slow, has huge potential for digital advancements. Overcoming barriers like legacy systems and skills gaps is key. WorkingMouse can help with these transformations.

The "Plan Like a General" workshop by The Disruption Group introduced the Military Planning Process (MPP) for strategic planning. Key takeaways included Boyd's OODA Loop for staying ahead of competition, Wargaming to test plans, and combating cognitive biases. The workshop emphasized quick, focused planning and spending 70% of time framing the problem, which was a significant insight. Facilitator Timothy Keeffe provided practical strategies for enhancing organizational innovation.

Onsider is a B2B platform connecting specialized independent contractors with civil construction companies in Australia and New Zealand. Founded by an experienced civil engineer, the platform allows companies to easily find and hire skilled contractors for flexible contracts, while offering engineers the freedom to work freelance and receive timely payments. WorkingMouse developed a mobile-responsive web app with user-friendly features for both contractors and employers. Future plans include enhanced features, a ChatBot, and a native mobile app.

Tool Protect, founded by Gayle, a health professional, and her police officer husband, addresses tool theft issues with a new app. Despite initial challenges, the app quickly gained traction, earning media attention and nearly 2,000 subscriptions in its first month. WorkingMouse helped develop the app with a user-friendly design and efficient workflow. Moving forward, Tool Protect plans to monetize through subscriptions and commercial partnerships, aiming for a national rollout.

The Central Highlands Development Corporation (CHDC) revamped their outdated website and created a new platform for promoting local food and produce, partnering with WorkingMouse. By using user personas and the Codebots Resource Behaviour, they developed a responsive, filterable website and a dynamic platform for local vendors. The CHDC site went live in 4 weeks, and the new platform in 2 weeks. CHDC aims for continuous modernization and plans to use the platform’s success to potentially license it to other regions.

SuzanneStays is a real estate platform dedicated to providing truly accessible accommodation for everyone. Co-founded by Michael, Suzanne, and Paul, the platform emerged from Suzanne’s personal journey with motor neurone disease (MND/ALS) and their realization of the gap in accessible vacation options. Developed with a focus on user-friendliness and accessibility, SuzanneStays features a holiday-building wizard, detailed property accessibility descriptions, and a two-sided portal for users and property owners. Launching on March 28, the platform aims to expand its property base and features to meet growing demand.

At WorkingMouse, Eban is the creative visionary, bringing cutting-edge design and style to the team with over 20 years in IT and a knack for making products look amazing. Matty, the tech guru, turns Eban's ideas into functional reality with his coding expertise and leadership in tech innovation. Dave, the hustler, ensures that these ideas meet market needs and are commercially viable, leveraging his sales and tech experience. Together, they form a dynamic trio, focused on delivering innovative, high-quality products and developing an advanced software platform.

Involving end users early in the development process is crucial for creating effective software. Many developers miss this step, assuming they know best, which often leads to costly redevelopment and abandoned projects. Engaging users through agile and lean methods helps identify issues sooner and reduce rework. Agile emphasizes ongoing user feedback, while lean focuses on efficiency and simplicity. By integrating user input from the start and adapting plans as needed, you can avoid common pitfalls and deliver better results. At WorkingMouse, we use iterative sprints to build and refine our products based on real user needs.

Before diving into Agile methodologies, it's essential to understand traditional organizational models like the waterfall model, where decision-making is top-down and linear. Agile emerged as a response to these rigid structures, emphasizing flexibility and iterative processes. Originating from the 2001 Agile Manifesto and concepts like Scrum, Agile focuses on continuous user feedback and collaboration. It aligns closely with Lean principles, which prioritize simplicity and incremental improvement. Both Agile and Lean advocate for adaptability and user-centered design, offering a more dynamic approach compared to traditional methods.

Agile development's core principle of starting simple and iterating is now supercharged by software bots. At WorkingMouse, Codebots handle 90% of code writing, drastically reducing development and testing time, leading to cost savings. Despite this, human-driven business analysis remains crucial for innovation. Software bots enhance Agile by automating repetitive tasks, improving efficiency and cutting costs.

Embrace agility and adaptability over rigid methods like centralization and tradition. Agile and Lean are about acting on communication and adapting to change, rather than following strict rules. In an era of rapid technological advancement, innovation is crucial. Understand and apply Agile and Lean principles in ways that fit your business, and be prepared to evolve. Just as technology evolves, so should your processes to stay relevant and competitive.

Steve Cole founded SafeWorkPro to address inefficiencies with paper-based safety documents in Cole Contracting, where managing risk assessments was cumbersome and time-consuming. SafeWorkPro digitalizes workplace safety paperwork, significantly improving productivity and compliance. Partnering with WorkingMouse, SafeWorkPro developed a user-friendly app, now with over 20 versions, incorporating features like dashboards, geotagging, and push notifications. This collaboration showcases WorkingMouse’s Codebots Platform, enhancing data collection and user engagement, and supports SafeWorkPro’s growth with over 50 active users.

Steve Keefe's vision with Dirigo is to empower clients with clear financial insights and personalized service, setting itself apart from traditional banks and brokers. The Mortgage Brokers industry is growing, but many still feel uninformed about their finances. Dirigo offers efficient, client-focused solutions for securing finance and achieving financial freedom. Despite initial doubts, WorkingMouse successfully developed Dirigo’s new Finance Software in just three weeks using their Codebots, proving that ambitious projects can be completed quickly.

The Queensland Partners in Technology (PiT) seminars, hosted by the Department of Information Technology and Innovation, aim to shape Queensland's future by fostering innovation. The 2016 event featured key speakers: Lou Boyle from LGAQ highlighted the need for automated processes in local government; Clinton Parker discussed the massive growth in data; Bryan Beswick envisioned the Sunshine Coast as a "smart" city; and Jim Barclay spoke on the role of smaller businesses alongside tech giants. The event concluded with a networking session, revealing new business ideas and opportunities for collaboration.

2017 was a standout year for WorkingMouse, marked by significant growth and achievements. The company ranked 70th on Deloitte's Fastest 500 in Asia Pacific with 800% revenue growth since 2015. With a 30% increase in team size, WorkingMouse attended major events, received accolades, and launched new products, including Codebots. Highlights included launching our newsletter, expanding office space, and achieving a successful Codebots demo and launch. Looking ahead, we’re excited for more growth and innovation in 2018.

For R&D tax incentive applications, it's crucial to plan ahead and document your research process thoroughly. Rather than reverse engineering, focus on structuring your tech business to align with the incentive's requirements. Use the scientific method—hypothesis, testing, data collection, and analysis—to ensure your activities meet the criteria. Additionally, create roadmaps to detail how each activity contributes to R&D. These tools help with compliance and improve business efficiency.

At a recent RHoK hackathon, we developed a prototype for "Cane Enabled," a device to assist the elderly and disabled with mobility and emergency tracking. Despite tight deadlines, we created a functional MVP, raised $110 for further development, and demonstrated the cane's capabilities effectively. Our work earned us a joint first-place finish, highlighting the impact of innovative solutions for social good.

To sustain a business, focus on building a base of 1,000 true fans—dedicated customers who will consistently buy your products. Each fan spending $300 annually results in $300,000 in revenue. Prioritizing the needs of these loyal customers over broader market trends can provide a stable foundation for growth. While achieving widespread popularity is ideal, a solid true fan base can be crucial, especially for start-ups or niche markets.

Gamification applies game design elements to non-game contexts, aiming to solve real-world problems like boosting employee engagement with mundane tasks. It's increasingly popular among executives and software developers. While it can enhance engagement and transparency by reflecting real-time achievements, gamification should not be used as a band-aid for poorly designed processes. For employees, gamification must be well-designed to avoid adding stress. Overall, when done correctly, it can transform dull tasks into engaging ones and provide valuable performance insights.

Gamification can be highly impactful across various industries, including banking. For example, the Commonwealth Bank of Australia used gamification with its 2011 Investorville simulation, which taught property investment through a risk-free virtual world, resulting in a 413% ROI from actual loans tracked. Gamification can enhance engagement and motivation, as shown by TalentLMS data, which found that leaderboards and point systems significantly boost employee motivation. Properly implemented, gamification offers valuable insights, improved ROI, and increased engagement for both consumers and employees.

Digital dashboards, like those from WorkingMouse, provide a visual overview of an organization’s performance by consolidating data from various teams. They come in strategic (overview) and analytical (detailed) types, helping to quickly identify trends and make informed decisions. For instance, Carelynx uses a dashboard to efficiently track health metrics and assess performance. Dashboards are crucial for visualizing progress and key performance indicators.

Gamification is often misunderstood as trivializing tasks or being aimed only at gamers. In reality, it enhances engagement and interaction by making processes more enjoyable and competitive, regardless of gaming experience. It's about improving user interaction without compromising task clarity. Successful gamification requires ongoing adaptation based on user data and frequent content updates to sustain interest. However, it's crucial to avoid relying on gamification as a quick fix for poor management; it should complement and enhance well-managed processes rather than replace them.

Starting a business is tough, but Brisbane offers strong support through spaces like River City Labs and Little Tokyo Two, and initiatives like Advanced Queensland and the Office of the Queensland Chief Entrepreneur. University centers such as UQ's iLab and QUT Creative Enterprise also provide valuable resources. While Brisbane may not rival global startup giants, its growing ecosystem offers significant help for new entrepreneurs.

Scope creep, a common issue in project management, occurs when small, incremental changes or unclear stakeholder requirements impact a project’s scope. It can be managed through a variation metric, which measures how much requirements change during a sprint compared to the original scope. At WorkingMouse, this metric helps identify and manage scope creep by flagging projects based on the level of variation. Effective management includes reviewing project communication, managing expectations, and halting the build if changes exceed manageable thresholds. Properly addressing scope creep helps maintain project focus and efficiency.

The Australian government has announced it will cap the term and value of IT contracts to enable small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) to compete for components of large projects. This move aims to allocate 10% of the $6.5 billion annual IT budget to smaller operators. Angus Taylor highlighted that this will foster innovation and competition. The change builds on previous efforts to empower SMEs, promote competition, and use modern procurement practices, following recommendations from the ICT procurement taskforce.

The shift in innovation focus from product features to customer experience is transforming industries, especially in software. Companies are increasingly prioritizing service-oriented approaches, like Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), to enhance customer experience and meet diverse consumer needs. This trend highlights the importance of offering valuable services rather than just features to succeed in today’s market.

Digital transformation means modernising and digitalising your current business processes, not becoming a tech startup. It involves adopting a digital mindset to improve efficiency and customer satisfaction. Key steps include pinpointing your digital goals, inventorying assets, visualising new models, operating both old and new models, and tracking progress. While digital transformation is a gradual process, it’s essential for staying competitive. Companies that embrace it will have a significant edge over those relying on traditional methods.

WorkingMouse is ranked #70 on Deloitte's Technology Fast 500 Asia Pacific, marking a notable achievement with 800% growth since 2015. The Deloitte list highlights high-growth tech companies across the Asia Pacific region, with Australia showing strong performance. Top Australian companies include Hireup (#2) with 7713% growth, zipMoney (#7) with 4012% growth, and Zero Latency (#8) with 3611% growth. WorkingMouse's growth is driven by Codebots, a platform engineering tool that significantly speeds up software development. This recognition underscores Australia's strong tech sector and innovation.

Australia ranks 15th in global R&D spending but falls behind in high-growth firms, international patents, and overall innovation, slipping to 23rd in the Global Innovation Index. Despite strong performance in research and a low unemployment rate, Australia struggles with digital skills and commercializing new ideas. To address this, Prime Minister Turnbull has pledged $100 million to link industry with academia and support growth in key sectors. While there's room for improvement, government initiatives and a focus on modernizing processes offer hope for boosting innovation.

Intangible assets—like brand, customer databases, and patents—are crucial for a company's value, increasingly outweighing physical assets. Unlike tangible assets, their value is harder to quantify but vital for maintaining a competitive edge. Companies should track and value these intangibles using financial, qualitative, and contextual factors to accurately reflect their worth and ensure sustained innovation.

WorkingMouse’s Codebots platform has received $250,000 from the Queensland government's Ignite Ideas Fund, part of the Advance Queensland initiative. This funding will help advance Codebots, which automates coding to speed up software development. Codebots is designed to handle most of the coding work, letting developers focus on creativity. The platform, launching in late 2017, aims to revolutionize software development by pairing human ingenuity with automated coding

By the end of 2017, organizations are expected to shift from perpetual software licenses to subscription-based models. With traditional software licensing becoming outdated, new models like subscription-based, usage-based, and performance-based licensing are gaining popularity. Subscription models, such as Microsoft Office’s, are now common, offering flexibility and ongoing access. Usage-based licenses charge based on consumption, while performance-based licenses link costs to specific outcomes. These new models cater to modern users and can be adjusted or combined based on how users interact with the software.

Gamification converts business goals into scoring systems, motivating employees by making tasks competitive and engaging. This approach, which adapts gaming techniques to work processes, can be used to track both short-term and long-term objectives. For example, in growth hacking, gamifying social media metrics (like points for likes, retweets, and replies) can drive engagement and performance. Studies show that gamification boosts motivation and engagement by appealing to our desire for achievement and competition. Overall, it’s an effective tool for innovation and performance measurement.

InspectRealEstate, created by Andrew Reece and Mike Van Raders, addresses a real need for a user-friendly booking system in real estate. It has grown from a small team to a major player, processing millions of enquiries daily. The platform’s success is attributed to its innovative approach and strong industry presence. Reece’s background in property management and Van Raders' technical expertise have driven this transformation, supported by WorkingMouse's innovation platform. The tool has significantly improved the moving process and continues to evolve, benefiting the real estate sector across Australia and New Zealand.

Grow Logic, founded by Peter Bail, addresses the need for sustainable farming solutions by providing advanced tools like UAVs, web-based mapping, and irrigation integration. Partnering with WorkingMouse, they’re developing a web and mobile solution to improve labor efficiency and reduce costs for Australian growers. The project includes close collaboration with citrus growers and the use of modern tech like drones to enhance farm management. This innovation aims to boost plant productivity, profitability, and environmental sustainability.

Hello Fresh, which started in a founder's living room, has grown into a market leader by delivering fresh produce and recipe cards to customers' doorsteps. Their innovative use of technology, like mobile apps for managing food deliveries, enhances customer control and connectivity. Mobile apps can boost customer engagement by reducing wait times, offering offline access, and increasing brand visibility. Upgrading or creating a mobile app can significantly benefit organizations by improving customer experience and loyalty.

WorkingMouse is set for significant growth with support from investors and a new partnership with Advance Queensland’s KTP program, which funds recent graduates for strategic projects. Our new UX team member, Taun, is enhancing our innovation platform’s user experience. We’re also excited about showcasing our work with clients like Liz Alexander at the Australian Cotton Conference. As we gather feedback and refine our approach, we’re preparing to launch our most ambitious project yet and look forward to sharing more updates soon.

Anne-Marie, inspired by her experience as a mother, developed the Wantu app to provide customizable, engaging activities for children using household items. Originally named Express2fun, the app simplifies finding and organizing activities, making it easier for parents. After teaching herself basic software skills and winning a pitch contest, Anne-Marie partnered with WorkingMouse to build her MVP. With plans to enhance the app and expand internationally, Wantu aims to offer even more value, including resources for children with learning disabilities. Visit to download the free beta version.

Software licensing defines how software can be used and shared. Key types include EULAs, subscriptions, and white-labeling. It’s important to understand licensing to ensure legal use and avoid unnecessary costs. For custom software, verify intellectual property rights and third-party tool licenses.

Relying on Excel spreadsheets for data management can increase manual labor costs, slow down report generation, and limit scalability. Switching to software automates data handling, provides a single source of truth, and offers better scalability and efficiency. WorkingMouse’s platform streamlines this transition, automates processes, and allows for quicker, data-driven decision-making. Adopting new software solutions can significantly enhance business operations and ROI.

WorkingMouse developed IPEXUS, an enterprise exchange platform that connects buyers and sellers of businesses. Launched on July 1, IPEXUS simplifies the buying and selling process with easy navigation, secure confidentiality agreements, and LinkedIn integration. Built using WorkingMouse's codebots and innovation platform, IPEXUS was completed in just three months.

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