DevOps Toolchains in Agile Model-Driven Engineering
To learn about the 2024 conference you can check it out here!
Jörn Guy Süß, Head of Research and Development at Codebots (2022) spoke at the WorkingMouse
office about his recent travels to the 2022 MODELS Conference in Montreal,
About the conference
MODELS, is the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, it is the premier conference series for model-driven software and systems engineering, and is organized with support of ACM SIGSOFT and IEEE TCSE.
Jörn was invited to the conference to speak about his recent paper that was accepted into the International Journal on Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM).
In the words of Jörn, "the paper describes how in the past model-driven workflows were created by simply clicking around with a mouse in an IDE (this meant they could not be reliably repeated). Today, there are many different modeling frameworks and technologies that make this process reliable. Ultimately, making model-driven engineering highly industrially relevant."
Watch the talk
In the clip below, Jörn gives us a taste of his recent paper. During this talk he covers off:
- Why continuous integration is relevant
- Anatomy of a CI system
- Challenges: applying CI to operations on models
- Solution: reusing the Ant build system
- A showcase: off-the-shelf tools for Ant
- FAQs.
We were thrilled to hear from Jörn and listen to his cutting-edge research. For more information, head to